Please read the terms of this policy carefully for customer service information.
Policy Statement
Proclaim Group Limited (PGL) is committed to ensuring that customer service excellence is an integral part of the planning, resourcing, and delivery of all services. When customers access PGL services they will receive consistent customer service to an excellent standard and this policy will ensure that all customers and clients alike are able to access the services. The policy recognises development in technology and is committed to improve the opportunities for customers and clients to contact PGL and to access services digitally.
This policy is concerned with customer service standards as well as the processes for passing on a compliment about a service, expressing a concern or suggestion about a service and when a customer is dissatisfied with a service, the process to follow to make a complaint.
Senior Management Responsibility & Commitment
PGL is committed to ensuring that all aspects of customer service standards are complied with to fulfil its business functions.
Senior management are committed to satisfying all applicable requirements within this policy and to the continual improvement of customer service.
This Customer Service Policy shall be available as documented information; be communicated within the organisation; and be available on this website;
Compliance with this policy and all other quality policies and procedures is mandatory for all personnel.
Leadership & Commitment
The CEO of PGL approves this policy. The Quality Forum has the responsibility for ensuring that the policy is implemented and adhered to across the business areas.
The Customer Service policy confirms the company’s commitment to continuous improvement and highlights the key areas to effectively achieve excellence in Customer Service Standards.
1 – Guidance For Our Customers
Contacting Proclaim Group
Customers and clients can contact Proclaim Group through various channels.
Email – To your designated contact or through the general email address –
We will acknowledge within 24 hours (Monday – Friday).
Telephone – to your designated contact or via the main office line – 01698 207 755
We will aim to answer telephone calls within three rings.
Website – via the contact us page –
We will acknowledge receipt of the submission within 24 hours (Monday – Friday).
We will offer access to an alternative system (e.g. language translation services) if customers have additional requirements.
We will meet the needs of customers with visual impairment, through the use of Braille, large print or other specialist services.
Measuring Success
Customers and clients may be involved in setting and monitoring the standards. PGL will develop ways of engaging with customers and encouraging customer feedback. Performance will be monitored through self-assessment, comparison with other organisations, customer satisfaction rating and feedback. This wealth of customer insight will help to establish what PGL is doing well and what it can do to improve. Management Information showing performance against the targets set for each standard will be reported as required and as requested by specific customers.
What We Expect From Our Customers
PGL believes that all customers have the right to be heard, understood and respected. However, PGL also believes that employees have the same rights. We, therefore, expect customers to be polite and courteous in all dealings with PGL and will not tolerate aggressive or abusive behaviour, unreasonable demands or unreasonable persistence; this includes any threat, abuse or harassment towards employees.
2 – Guidance For Our Team
In developing the Customer Service policy PGL has sought to:
- Set standards which are user friendly, customer focused and measurable;
- Clearly state how employees should behave when dealing with customers;
- Set performance targets which can be reviewed regularly;
- Give consideration to legislation, good practice and national standards;
- Ensure employees are equipped to deliver services taking into account equality and diversity so that all customers can access services in their preferred way.
Our customers are all the people we come into contact with in connection with PGL’s work; this includes the instructing party, the injured party and the people acting on their behalf and any partner organisations.
Customers access PGL services through various channels including digital (e.g. website, e-mail) telephone, letter, etc. Whatever the channel, customers want accessible, efficient and responsive services and PGL must strive to meet these demands. PGL will respond to the needs of customers in terms of access and recognise that one method will not suit everyone. Customers want their dealings with PGL to be efficient and that they receive their desired outcome. To meet this PGL must attempt to deal with customer enquiries at the first point of contact and ensure mechanisms are in place for monitoring and measuring performance against desired outcomes.
Customer Service & Its Importance
Improving customer service is a key priority for PGL and means:
- Providing quality services in a friendly, efficient and helpful way; we will continually strive to improve services by ensuring excellent communication and a positive attitude towards customers;
- Treating each person as an individual – respect for diversity and, in turn, having the flexibility to adapt behaviour and actions in a way that is appropriate for the individual;
- Treating people with dignity, respect and courtesy;
- Offering choices where possible;
- Giving information about what is available and providing an explanation if a service is not available.
General Principles When Dealing With Customers
When dealing with customers, whether using the telephone, email, face-to-face or via letter:
- Identify and address any specific requirements with sensitivity, tact and diplomacy;
- Record information accurately;
- Ensure that the nature of the customer’s enquiry is understood clearly;
- Resolve enquiries at first contact where possible;
- Keep the lines of communication open with customers and keep them informed.
‘Out of Office’ messages will be enabled at times of absence giving return dates and alternative contact details.
- Where a customer has a hearing impairment offer access to an alternative system, e.g. SMS text;
- Give your full attention to the customer;
- Take ownership of the call, resolving the customer’s enquiry wherever possible;
- When taking a call for a colleague, use an effective message taking system and make sure the customer is called back;
- End the call with a thank you and confirm with the customer the outcome.
Use of Voicemail
- Only use voicemail to ensure that telephone calls do not go unanswered;
- Use voicemail only for short periods or specific purposes;
- Ensure recorded messages are audible, accurate, and appropriate and where possible, provide alternative contact details;
- Respond to all messages within 24 hours or the next working day if the message is left over a weekend or Bank Holiday (this includes messages referred to you from colleagues);
- Regularly check for messages and update your voicemail message.
Visits to Customers & Clients (this covers visits to clients’ homes / properties)
- All visits will be made by prior arrangement with the customer, clearly stating the purpose of the visit;
- Keep customers informed of any changes to the visit arrangements;
- Establish the customer’s language, communication and other specific requirements prior to the visit and make arrangements to meet these;
- Carry your identify card at all times and show it to each customer before entering the property;
- Follow policies and guidelines on Lone Working for your safety;
- Use tact and courtesy as a visitor in another person’s home, treating their property with respect;
- Close the visit by explaining the next steps, and leave written information where possible;
- Follow up your commitment to the customer with action.
Written Communication
- Respond to all written communication within ten working days of receipt;
- There may be occasions when a full response cannot be given within the timescale. This is unavoidable but there is still a requirement to keep the customer informed by making contact or sending a holding response. This can give an expected date for a full response or give the reason why a full response cannot be given;
- Ensure the presentation of all written correspondence is easy to understand, professional and accurate;
- Include a contact name and telephone number, together with any other information needed (e.g. reference number) to assist the customer;
- Meet the needs of people with visual impairment, through the use of Braille, large print or other specialist services.
Compliments, Concerns & Complaints
- Be open to receiving feedback from customers and where appropriate use this feedback to improve services;
- Pass comments and suggestions for improvement to the service onto your manager;
- Ensure compliments are recorded and shared with colleagues;
- Be aware of PGL’s procedure for dealing with compliments, concerns and complaints;
- Aim to resolve all concerns raised by customers immediately and informally wherever possible;
- If informal resolution is not successful, tell the customer they can make a formal complaint, and help them to do so;
- In the case of a serious complaint, tell your manager.
3 – Feedback
We welcome all forms of feedback to ensure continuous improvement of our services. We use surveys to request feedback at the early stages of our service and at the cessation of the service. We will use all available information (such as complaints, surveys, concerns and general feedback) to review and improve our services.
We will identify and try different ways of having conversations with our clients and customers.
We will strive to develop a more open, transparent and responsive culture and more inclusive and participative ways of working by providing appropriate incentives, support, tools and resources (including training).
We will celebrate success and learn from experience (positive and negative) by measuring the effectiveness of our client and customer participation activity. We will develop new and improved measures to help us assess progress and make improvements. We want people to tell us that they have had a positive experience and that what they have done has made a difference.
Reporting a Concern or Complaint
If a customer has a concern or wishes to raise a complaint they can do so either by contacting the office directly:
Via telephone 01698 207 755.
Via writing to Proclaim Group Limited, Princes Gate, 2nd Floor, Castle Wing, Castle Street, Hamilton ML3 6BU.
Via the website contact us page or directly by email to their designated contact or via
All concerns raised will be acknowledged within 24 hours and responded to within two working days of acknowledgement.
A copy of our Complaints Policy can be made available if requested.
Further Information
Further information on any aspects of this policy can be obtained:
Via writing to Quality & Compliance Team, Proclaim Group Limited, Princes Gate, 2nd Floor, Castle Wing, Castle Street, Hamilton ML3 6BU.
Via telephone 01698 207 755.
Via the website Contact Us page –
The company must avoid breaches of legal, statutory, regulatory or contractual obligations related to quality management requirements.
Compliance Review Period
The Quality Forum will review this Customer Service Policy at least annually.