Obair Associates Services
This is an objective evaluation of the job design and methods, the work environment and the individual’s performance of job tasks. It identifies any areas of concern related to health ergonomics and makes recommendations to minimise risk and facilitate performance.
What the service offers:
- Quantifies and prioritises areas of risk using current evidence-based practice.
- Provides recommendations to minimise the risk of injury / re-injury.
- To facilitate the individual’s performance of work tasks.
- Identifies reasonable adjustments, equipment and strategies to enable maintenance at / a safe and sustained return to work.
- A list of recommended equipment and suppliers.
Who is the service for?
- Individuals who remain in employment.
- Individuals requiring specialist advice to ensure that their work tasks and working environment are optimal.
- Individuals and/or organisations requiring strategies, equipment, technology, etc. to facilitate improved work performance.
How is the service delivered?
- An experienced Ergonomics Evaluator visits the workplace (or home-work space).
- Conducts a confidential interview and carries out a brief assessment of the individual’s injury/condition and current health status.
- Evaluates the individual’s job requirements and job set-up.
- Identifies, measures, prioritises and documents risk factors.
The job of the Evaluator
- Structure an evaluation based on the referral questions.
- Use clinical interview techniques and briefly assess the individual’s function for work.
- Observe and measure job functions and demands.
- Deliver findings in a concise report quantifying and prioritising risks and strategies to minimise the risk and facilitate performance of work tasks.
How to refer a case
To arrange an Ergonomic Evaluation, you can instruct us by the contact details below or by completing the Refer a Case form.
Refer a Case
To refer a case, please select the referral type you require and the appropriate form will be displayed for completion.
If the mandatory information is not know, please add ‘n/a’ into the respective field.
An automated acknowledge will be issued following a successful submission. If you do not receive an automatic acknowledgement, please call 01698 207 755 to confirm that the referral has been received.
Alternatively, call or email us.
Type of Referral
For occupational therapy & vocational referral, please select:
Please select a form from the above drop downs