Obair Associates Services
This assesses an individual’s transferable occupational skills considering their current functional capacity to identify suitable alternative roles supported by analysis of the current labour market.
What the service offers:
- It delivers identification of alternative job options and a labour market analysis.
- Vocational rehabilitation recommendations with action plans, time frames for a safe and sustainable return to work and costs.
Who is the service for?
- Ideal for individuals whose functional capacity for work has been established.
- Who have occupational transferable skills.
- Who require specialist advice to establish and define alternative job options.
How is the service delivered?
- This service is undertaken by a team of Vocational Rehabilitation Professional.
- The assessment is conducted at the individual’s home or a suitable local venue.
- The service can also be conducted by telephone or virtually if appropriate.
The job of the Evaluator:
- To complete a review of functional capacity.
- Uses interview techniques to explore occupational skills aptitudes and interests and researches the local labour market.
- Three job options will be identified and matched to the individual’s capacity and the local labour market.
How to refer a case
To arrange a Transferable Skills Analysis, you can instruct us by the contact details below or by completing the Refer a Case form.
Refer a Case
To refer a case, please select the referral type you require and the appropriate form will be displayed for completion.
If the mandatory information is not know, please add ‘n/a’ into the respective field.
An automated acknowledge will be issued following a successful submission. If you do not receive an automatic acknowledgement, please call 01698 207 755 to confirm that the referral has been received.
Alternatively, call or email us.
Type of Referral
For occupational therapy & vocational referral, please select:
Please select a form from the above drop downs