Obair Associates Services
An objective evaluation of an individual’s functional capacity to meet the intrinsic functions and associated demands of their own job, which is carried out at the workplace.
What the service offers:
- The evaluation identifies capacities and limitations, directly related to specific job demands, and also suited tasks for meaningful modified return to work programmes.
- Identifies areas requiring ergonomic assessment and reasonable adjustment.
- Advice on return to work planning and an individual’s rehabilitation potential, with realistic timeframes and goals to achieve a return to work.
- Ultimately evaluates fitness to meet the demands of their job role or alternative roles that are under consideration.
Who is the service for?
- It is ideal for individuals whose job remains available or the employer has suggested alternative roles.
- They are returning to work following an absence.
- They are struggling to remain in work and there is a question of capability.
How is the service delivered?
- The evaluation is a face to face service offered at the individual’s workplace.
- Being at the workplace allows the evaluator to incorporate the analysis of the job demands and identify any areas of ergonomic concern and remedial action.
- The individual and all parties receive clear and expert guidance on an individual’s capacity for work, impact on health, their intrinsic job demands and identification of any suggested reasonable accommodations.
The job of the Evaluator
- Uses a structured clinical interview technique and observes and measures function and job demands.
- Matches identified capacities and limitations to job demands.
- Produces a concise report with clear and expert guidance on an individual’s capacity for work and a return to work plan.
How to refer a case
To arrange a Workability Evaluation, you can instruct us by the contact details below or by completing the Refer a Case form.
Refer a Case
To refer a case, please select the referral type you require and the appropriate form will be displayed for completion.
If the mandatory information is not know, please add ‘n/a’ into the respective field.
An automated acknowledge will be issued following a successful submission. If you do not receive an automatic acknowledgement, please call 01698 207 755 to confirm that the referral has been received.
Alternatively, call or email us.
Type of Referral
For occupational therapy & vocational referral, please select:
Please select a form from the above drop downs